UFO & UAP study

You can search my blog for the topics of UFOs and aliens that I encountered in New Zealand and Australia: plasma life, Mothman, Dragons, Mantis aliens, Grasshopper robots, mysterious alien red masses Shape objects, black triangle UFO, Dark Vapour, UFO cloud, cartoon face UFO..... etc.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Hints from alien

UFO photo

The miracles I have photographed many times are actually intentional revelations by alien creatures. These are all related to some secrets in the sky.

Miracle 1: 2/9/2023 a mysterious large light ball first appeared in front of my balcony. After,  this kind of light ball often appeared and never stopped...… It may be a kind of ufo that comes to visit, or it may be an unknown identity?


Miracle 2: A mysterious light ball manipulated a bio-shaped UFO for 20 seconds in a row, and forced several different alien creatures to expose their appearance in front of my camera lens, one of which was very shocking!


Miracle 3: It implies that the  Disc or spherical ufo is not necessarily an alien flying saucer, because it shows that its nature is not Solid…….


Miracle 4: They show how to generate two disc-shaped ufos from dozens of spherical ufos.


Miracle 5: They show how 3 tubular UFOs turn into triangle UFO.


Miracle 6: 17/5/2024 A golden cloud with two faces quickly flew in front of my camera. Before that, a cloud with two large bird's beak faces appeared on 24/4/2024. They revealed to me that the clouds were formed by them. This explains why so many space creatures of various shapes come to visit me…… .


Sunday, March 2, 2025

They flew in front of me

                               They appeared one metre away from my lens. 


Friday, February 28, 2025

PK Man (Ted Owens) & Grasshopper Aliens

                                      This image is from: http://ufos.50webs.com/z_en.htm

20th August 2005 I took a photo of the grasshopper aliens, who arrived with a group of Martians. But I didn't know much about grasshopper alien stories until I read the story of PK Man (Ted Owens), who said his super powers were given to him by a " short grasshopper with two legs." This is his encounter: https://www.infinityexplorers.com/ted-owens-man-who-received-superpowers/

This is my encounter with the grasshopper alien: https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2007/10/grasshopper-robot.html

Friday, February 21, 2025

UFOs flock in

                                                    Sometimes UFOs come in groups


Monday, February 3, 2025

One of the best space life photos of 2024

reference article : https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2024/03/the-cartoon-face-of-ufo.html   https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2024/08/space-aliens-face.html   https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2025/01/space-alien-2.html

I took some amazing photos of space creatures in 2024, and this one is the most poetic: the composition, colour, and content are almost perfect. Two space life’s figures on the side of yellow colour cloud. What do you think?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Red Multi-Tubes UFO

This red multi-tubes ufo appeared three time at 8/7/2024 night


Friday, January 3, 2025

We are not alone in the universe (2)





related articles : https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2008/07/we-are-not-alone-in-universe.html   https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2024/02/discovery-in-australia-2.html

During in New Zealand ( from 2005 to 2023 ), I took a total of 59 different of alien life’s photos; and  in Australia ( from May 2023 to now ), I took a total of 72 different of alien life ‘s photos. Among these 131 different alien life, the species and quantities included are as follows:

Humanoids:     33     25%         female  21     Man. 12

Zoomorphs:     25     19%

[ Including insects; fish, amphibians ( turtles, frogs, lizards ); birds; animals   ( dog, leopard , unknown creatures ) ; Dragons and Mothman. these alien creatures are only photographed in the sky of New Zealand ]

Simple formed  life: 73     56%.                                  

 ( Creatures have only heads or simple bodies, no limbs, wings..…. )