UFO & UAP study

You can search my blog for the topics of UFOs and aliens that I encountered in New Zealand and Australia: plasma life, Mothman, Dragons, Mantis aliens, Grasshopper robots, mysterious alien red masses Shape objects, black triangle UFO, Dark Vapour, UFO cloud, cartoon face UFO..... etc.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

I went for Dr Jill’s (SETI) lecture

In July 2006, I received news from the Australian UFO research group that Dr Jill Tarter would give a public lecture at Auckland University of Technology on the work of extracting signals from cosmic noise.

On July 6th, I brought several of my alien photos with me and showed them to people during the question time of the meeting. The following is an email I sent to the UFO research group in Australia, describing what I experienced at the meeting...

[ Dr. Jill Tarter is the director of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) ]

Reference article: Quest for aliens comes Downunder


Fwd: Re: [AUFORN AUSTRALIA] Quest for aliens comes Downunder

To: xxxxxx@xtra.co.nz

-- In AUFORN@yahoogroups.com,

Hi Xxxxxx and group

I went for Dr Jill's lecture last night ……
at the question time, i stood up and asked Jill
"SETI spends a lot of energy to search outer space for signals.
Why don't they spend some energy to try to
contact those ETs who are already around Earth everyday?"
she said she would like to, but no evidence.
the I told her I had evidence (I brought 5 photos-1 captain,
1 grass hopper robot, and the others are creature like UFOs)

after the meeting, 10 people came to me and listened to my story,
then Dr Jill came. she looked at one photo and asked me
"What is it?" , I said "I don't know".
then she asked "why do you call them ET?"

I was too busy trying to tell the story to other people,
so I had no time to try to convince Dr Jill.



---- Original Message ----

From: Xxxxxx X.

To: AUFORN@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 11:55 PM

Subject: Re: [AUFORN AUSTRALIA] Quest for aliens comes Downunder

So, have there been any sightings of ET yet?

"There have been no announcements of ET technology," said Tarter



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