UFO & UAP study

You could searched that subjects of UFO and aliens that I encountered in NZ and Aus on my blogs : simple form of alien life, Moth man, Dragon, Praying Mantis alien, Grasshopper alien , mysterious alien red mass, black triangle UFO, dark vapours, UFO cloud , cartoon face UFO, Min min lights …… ect.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Min Min lights

reference article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-30/min-min-lights-seen-in-outback/10317058  Discovery in Australia (2)

“Min Min lights are a mysterious phenomenon that have spooked many people in the outback of Australia… The lights have been described by witnesses, as floating, fast-moving balls of color that glow in the night sky and stalk people, leaving some feeling confused and frightened. Sometimes the lights are blue and other times they are white or yellow." These characteristics are very similar to UFO light balls around the world.

The UFOs I photographed in Australia were all orb or tubular in shape. In fact, these two forms are the result of different motion states of the same UFO. When it moves quickly, it will appear tubular, and when it flies slowly or stops moving , it will turn into a orb shape. This shape change is clearly recorded in the video. UFOs sometimes reveal the space creatures inside; however, the space creatures inside do not show their faces during the entire flight. Most of the time, they suddenly show their faces clearly in a very short moment (about 1/30 second), and then hide back into the UFO light ball.

I have collected more than fifty different images of space creatures since coming to Australia. The images of these creatures are completely different from those I encountered in New Zealand (but the objects photographed in both places were invisible to the naked eye). Are they peculiar sky species in Australia?  And they often come into close contact with me, in and out of my balcony. In view of the current information on what Min min lights are There is very little . According to the data I obtained from Australia, I can deduce that the Min min light does exist and is not just a folk legend! And they can shed some light on what Min min lights are. I also hope to know whether UFOs and Min min lights are the same or different mysterious phenomena? And did I take any pictures of them?

Monday, July 22, 2024

Miracle occurred (6): What is the main factor in cloud formation?

                                Two space creature faces appeared in front of a cloud  


                                                       beak shape entity photo 

Reference article: Space energy life can create clouds  The cloud-like UFO finally appeared  Cloud coming too

Clouds in the shape of space creatures’ faces appeared three times in total. The first time was on 5/1/2024, the second time was on 24/4/2024, and the third time was on 17/5/2024. The first two times were beak-shaped faces. And beak-shaped creatures account for 45% of all my alien visitors (Australia).

Why do they appear repeatedly? And why I can take photos of them? Does this imply that the clouds are formed by them? Or are they just showing me that they are hidden in the clouds? Because the number of these space life is huge (no less than all life on Earth), and clouds play an important role in the Earth's environment. So we must study them in depth. But a decisive factor is that scientists must have enough knowledge of the energy creatures in the sky!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Why many Space life come for visiting (Space alien and quantum communication )

If you are confused  why I encountered so many UFOs, sky creatures, and aliens in New Zealand and Australia, especially about UFOs; or about many UAP phenomena, such as the mysteries of many natural phenomena in the atmosphere: such as clouds, hurricanes……etc , and hope to get answers, please read the following, This is a comment from an expert reader on a report that I wrote  

( https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2007/12/aliens-characteristic-2.html ) :

“ Hey Xxx ,

Well, I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks! 

I had only briefly glanced at this thread previously. Now that I have looked into it more deeply, I think you are really onto something here!

Sam, you need to bone up on quantum physics. The synchronization that you mention in your last listed blog-post is easily explained at a quantum level. It is the same kind of synchronous action that is observed in flocks of birds or schools of fish.

This happens through simple quantum communication. The reason seemingly separate entities act in perfect harmony and unison is because of quantum interconnectivity. If we think of the universe in strictly material bio-mechanistic terms, we must accept the idea that nothing travels faster than the speed of light.

This is nonsense. Quantum data show that this limitation only applies to matter at a gross mechanistic level. That is because, at a quantum level, time and space do not exist. Quantum "non-locality" or interconnectivity indicates that quantum partciles or waves, once related to each other, maintain their relationships regardless of time or space. There are no such things as "material" limitations for quantum particles.

The truth is, according to physicist Erwin Schroedinger, in all the world there is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the spatio-temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false construct??br>
In other words, as so many religions and metaphysical teachings tell us, all is one. Our individuality is an illusion. Every "individual" thing in creation is simply an expression of the greater consciousness of the universe. No single thing exists without its relationship to everything else.

And, since time and space (physical material limitations) are ONLY the province of our material reality, we tend to suffer from the delusion that these limitations apply to everything. Not true. These limitations do not even apply to us, if we can extricate ourselves from the quagmire of our own, self-imposed materialist/separatist obfuscations.

The birds know this when they fly in huge flocks that move and flow in a beautiful motion as if they are only one single being. That is because, ultimately, they are! Fish know this when huge schools of individuals pulsate and turn and flow together in a graceful sychronous motion in much the same manner as a water flow. They act as one singularity, just like water does.

This is the action and beauty of quantum interconnectivity. It allows for instant intuitive communication. We humans all have this ability as well. But we are so limited by our prejudices and beliefs.

Just like me when I only gave this thread a cursory glance. It did not interest me at first. But I now see that there is some THERE there!
Cool !! 

You rock!

Xxxxxxxx “