UFO & UAP study

You can search my blog for the topics of UFOs and aliens that I encountered in New Zealand and Australia: plasma life, Mothman, Dragons, Mantis aliens, Grasshopper robots, mysterious alien red masses Shape objects, black triangle UFO, Dark Vapour, UFO cloud, cartoon face UFO..... etc.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

What UFO really crashed at Roswell ?

                                                    The same ufo with different appearance

If Dr. von Braun’s explanation is correct, then the UFO that crashed in Roswell was a biological craft (or can be called a flying creature).  This kind of UFO often appears, has the appearance of a bell shape with silver colour (it may reflect yellow under different sunlight). Tit he body Inside the UFO and outer shell of the space creatures grow together.  This kind of UFO has come to my place several times, and once it flew directly out of the cloud, stopped in the sky above my roof (30 meters?) for a minute, and then left.

“ Dr. von Braun explained how he and his (unnamed, for now) associates had been taken to the crash site after most of the military were pulled back. They did a quick analysis of what they found. He told me the craft did not appear to be made of metal as we know metal on earth. He said it seemed to be created from something biological, like skin. I was lost as to what he indicated, other than thinking perhaps the craft was "alive."

The recovered bodies were temporarily being kept in a nearby medical tent. They were small, very frail and had large heads. Their eyes were large. Their skin was greyish and reptilian in texture. Dr. von Braun said it looked similar to the skin texture of rattle snakes he'd seen several times at White Sands. His inspection of the debris had even him puzzled: very thin, aluminium coloured, like silvery chewing gum wrappers. Very light and extremely strong. The interior of the craft was nearly bare of equipment, as if the creatures and craft were part of a single unit.”