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(this sighting reported to MUFON)
Here is the extract from the book ‘Alien base’ written by Timothy Good, chapter “Madame x and the handsome humanoid” (Page 509). Which described the alien’s Projected image vividly:
“The first four inspected the courtyard. ‘Here it’s fine,” they announced’. ‘we are going to make a projection for you.’ Curiously, although a thick fog had developed, and it was chilly in Sospel at that time of year, Mme X did not feel cold. Now joined by three other quasi-humans, holding black spheres in their hands, she and the others watched ad predominantly sepia-coloured images, about three metres high, were projected on to the fog without any visible beam of light emitting from the spheres. The film, which run from the prehistory to the Second World War, retraced our wars, sometimes stopping at individual ‘frames’.”
In the year 2007 I captured many images of some kind ( probably the aliens used the similar method to introduce themselves ). they are large images formed by the invisible fog (or mist); and of course, there are always some spheres or light beam near the project images. Most of the images are familiar by people: they are figures of Lizards, Reptiles, Dragons…etc. But some of them are difficult to understand, they are a kind of graphic shape( See the attached pictures). Until today I still don’t know which alien done all those projection and what are the implications of those graphic images.
Each those images only exist for a couple of seconds then disappear or another shape appears. I believe the aliens are intend to use this kind of projection to communicate with us.